HUGE congrats to Evan for receiving a Jefferson Scholars Foundation Dissertation Year Fellowship!! The Jefferson Scholars Graduate Fellowship Program was established to attract to the Grounds the most promising graduate students in the country, students who will make exceptional contributions to the University of Virginia and to society at large after graduation. Jefferson Scholars are committed to sharing the fruits of higher learning with the wider community and bring distinction to the Foundation, the University, and to the ideals of Thomas Jefferson.
A BIG congrats goes out to Charles for being awarded a Whitfield Randolph Scholarship! The Whitfield Randolph Scholarship was established in 1986 by Randolph Whitfield of Atlanta, Georgia. The award was established in memory of Mr. Whitfield’s parents, James Bryan Whitfield and Margaret Hayward Randolph. Dr. Randolph Whitfield, a MacArthur Foundation Fellow, received his medical and graduate degrees from the University in 1965 under a similar dual degree program. Further, it is Mr. Whitfield’s preference that recipients be enrolled in the Medical School doing research on the human nervous system.
A BIG congrats goes out to Ginger Smith for being awarded a Harrison Award! Made possible through the generosity of the late David A. Harrison III and his family, the Harrison Undergraduate Research Awards fund up to forty outstanding undergraduate research projects each year. Student applicants will propose a substantial and significant research project under the supervision of a UVA faculty mentor to be carried out in the summer and subsequent academic year following application for the award. Way to go Ginger!This past week, Maria had her public dissertation defense surrounded by friends, family and the lab. It was incredible and such a wonderful celebration. Congrats Dr. Ali! We can't wait to watch you soar in the future!