The Kucenas Lab has had another VERY successful Secret Scientist Potluck Holiday Party this year. A lot of food, a lot of drink, and a lot of really great gift exchanges! We had an excellent year, and are super excited to light 2020 on fire!
A BIG congrats go out to Dr. Yunlu Zhu, who successfully passed his private dissertation defense today! He's headed off to start a post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Dave Schoppik at NYU in October. Congrats Yunlu, and best of luck in your new lab!
The Kucenas Lab celebrated 10 years yesterday with amazing people, amazing food, and incredibly fun 2009 trivia! Here's to the next 10 years! (And a 20 year reunion!)
Congratulations to Evan for being awarded the Biology Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award! This award covers his stipend for a semester and provides funds to him and Valee, his undergraduate partner, to travel to a meeting. Awesome award and well deserved!